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TOP  お知らせ  節分追儺式2018~大本山増上寺




最強寒波の影響で寒い日が続き、東京では再び雪になりましたが皆様如何お過ごしでございますか? 節分も終わり暦の上では立春をむかえましたが、強い寒波が日本列島居座っておりまして日本海側や九州や四国でも大雪になっている所がございます。春の訪れはまだ先になりそうですので、しばらくは雪と寒さそしインフルエンザにはには十分お気を付けくださいませ。


節分増上寺全景2018.jpg 節分増上寺からオフィスビル2018.jpg


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節分増上寺豆まき20181.jpg 節分増上寺豆まき20182.jpg








"Setsubun Festival (Bean Scattering Ceremony) 2018 ~ Daihonzan Zojoji (Temple)"

Setsubun is a day before the beginning of spring ( February 3rd. ). The Setsubun Festival was held at Daihonzan Zojoji (Temple) that has a 600-year history and deeply connected to the Ieyasu Tokugawa Shogun near Tokyo Tower and I participated in it.

Before the ceremony started, some Toshi-Otoko and Toshi-Onna (This year is the year for the men and women according to the Chinese zodiac) visited as guests and were walking to the Kurohonzon (the black image of Amida Buddha that was connected to the Ieyasu Tokugawwa) in Ankokuden to pray to expel evil spirits. Then, the mochitsuki performance was held on the stage set up in front of the main building. Rice cakes had already been divided into small pieces and packed up into the small packets and were scattered to visitors from the stage. Visitors were so excited catching them.

After that, the bean scattering ceremony was held. Since beans had already been packed up in small packets, it was easy to catch them with our hands. Into the packets, there were some winning tickets for restaurants to eat free or hotels to stay free. Many people were so desperate to catch those beans.

This was my first time to visit Zojoji to attend this ceremony and I prayed for our good health, no disaster, and good luck. Since it doesn't take a long time to reach the Temple from our hotel by using the Tokyu Toyoko Line and Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line, why don't you participate in this ceremony.

Access to Kamiyacho Station from Yutenji Station by subway:

Yutenji Station→Nakameguro Station (approximately 2 minutes by Tokyu Toyoko Line)

Nakameguro Station→Kamiyacho Station (approximately 12 minutes by Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line)

Get out of Exit 1 of the Kamiyacho Subway Station on Sakurada Street. Then, after making a right behind the exit make a left at the Iikura Crossing, and you will find Tokyo Tower on your right side. It will be about 200 meters from there to Zojoji (Temple).

It will take about 10 minutes from Kamiyacho Station to Zojoji on foot.
