節分会追儺式2017~深川不動堂 Part1
深川不動堂(正式名称は成田山東京別院深川不動堂)の「節分会追儺式」は警備上の都合で式への入場人員を400名に規制しておりまして、当日12時から入場整理券が配布されるということでしたので、午前11時45分ぐらいにそちらに到着すると、すでに整理券を求める長蛇の列を発見!! 12時に近づくにつれ列がさらに伸び、自分が並んだ時の2倍以上の列になっておりました。それでも何とか無事に整理券をゲットすることができました(*〇*)
"Setsubun Festival (Bean Scattering Ceremony) 2017~Fukagwa Fudoudo Part1"
Setsubun is a day before the beginning of spring (February 3rd). A Setsubun Festival 2017 (Bean Scattering Ceremony) was held at Fukagawa Fudoudo around our hotel and I participated in it.
Entrance for participating in this festival was limited to a certain number of people and we needed to get the entrance ticket in advance from 12 o'clock on that day. When I arrived there around 11:45am, there was already a long line. The line had doubled at 12 o'clock. Fortunately, I was able to get an entrance ticket.
When I returned to the Temple, I was asked to go to the yellow area near the new main building of the Temple divided into four colored areas. Beans were scattered from four parts on the stage toward each area. There seemed to be approximately 50 people at each area. Celebrities visited as guests came out from the old main building of the temple at 3:15pm. After a while, the Bean Scattering Ceremony started.
To be continued in my next sequel.